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A live example of the Shufflehound Gillion Theme for WordPress

My website uses the Shufflehound Gillion Theme for WordPress.



As I was searching for WordPress themes for my site, I came across this one called the Gillion theme.

I looked around for a live, working example of the theme, so I could experience the features at work – but this was a bit hard to find! So if you’re looking for an example, this is it.

I personally do like it – it serves my needs, and my blog seems to flow well so it feels intuitive. It’s clean and fresh.

Note: I am not technically savvy regarding pro’s and cons. I’m just making the site available for you to have a look at.
Note: This is not a plug for the theme creators. I don’t get anything if you decide to get it.

I just thought it would be good to share how I was using it for other bloggers to see!

Best of luck.


Blog post examples:

Breakfast traders in the side streets of Hanoi – photo essay


 The Telouet kasbah in Morocco: photos of ancient grandeur



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